Moving away from X (fka Twitter)
Hey Fusion friends! Just so you know, we’re no longer active on Twitter/X since it’s simply no longer a space reflective of our values, therefore we no longer wish to represent ourselves there.Read More
Hey Fusion friends! Just so you know, we’re no longer active on Twitter/X since it’s simply no longer a space reflective of our values, therefore we no longer wish to represent ourselves there.Read More
Hello fans and friends! Now through December 31st, you can get in on early pre-reg for the lowest price of the year: Adult weekend badges are $35, and Patron-tier weekend badges are justRead More
Thank you to all anime fans from us at Anime Fusion 2024! We had tons of fun and hope you did too! Now we want to hear from you! Please click the linkRead More
Kitaku Maid & Butler Cafe is excited to serve you again at Anime Fusion! Join the maids and butlers for yummy snacks, cute dances, and Halloween fun for people of all ages andRead More
Hey Anime Fusion fans, good news: The Crowne Plaza has opened up even more rooms for this coming weekend! So if you missed the window previously or have been on the fence, thisRead More
Hello everyone! We have a lot of fun new merchandise this year for you! Glow sticks (back for another year, but this time with 7 muliticolor light functions!) Pumpkin stress balls New LanyardsRead More
DJ Jorge Sanchez will be keeping everyone dancing and the party going on Saturday night this year at Anime Fusion! Jorge has done weddings, birthdays, Halloween parties and even events like Twin CitiesRead More
Theology is a DJ and Producer that makes club-ready video game remixes, they are a mental health activist, and believe that we can do so much more united than divided. He will beRead More
Do you love Japanese drumming? Sure, we all do! Whether you’re a new to taiko or a percussion-arts connoisseur, we invite you to step inside the blast radius, and get a taste ofRead More
Highlander Games MN is proud to bring you a weekend of Tabletop Gaming! Whether it is TCGs, board games, or RPG’s we have something for everyone. So grab your decks, playmats, and diceRead More